
About us

Established in 1950, from gathering of CEOs of small, medium and large Biscuit manufacturing organizations in the country's capital city, the Federation of Biscuit Manufacturers of India, popularly known as FBMI has come to stay as the premier forum of the organized segment the biscuit industry in India, by virtue of its effective servicing and result oriented activities, with the prime objective of protecting and promoting the interests and development of the Biscuit industry.

During the five and a half decades of post-independent India, the biscuit industry in the country has achieved a position of pre-eminence as the third largest producer of Biscuits in the world, after the USA and China.

The FBMI, its members and leadership, have played a pivotal role in the unprecedented growth, development and reach into all parts of the huge domestic market in India, as also in exports of biscuits.

The FBMI represents the organized biscuit industry consisting of small scale, medium and large biscuit manufacturers located in all zones and all States of the country. As the apex body of the biscuit industry, the Federation strives to serve its members in particular and the biscuit industry in general.

As an integral part of the industrial scenario in the country and belonging to the food processing sector which has been identified as the sunrise group of industries by the Government of India, biscuits along with similar packaged food products, have a place of pride.

The FBMI estimates indicate that the proportion of biscuit production in the country, in the organized and unorganized segments of manufacturing is 60% : 40%.

The aims and objectives for which the Federation was founded and exists. Click for details

The Federation is a Company registered under Section 25 of the Companies Act, 1955. Its management is vested with the Executive Committee elected at the Annual General Body of members and consists of a President, Vice President and 20 members of the Executive Committee. The secretariat of the federation is headed by the secretary.

FBMI's Functions & Operations
Dissemination of information - Latest relevant information and data is transmitted and disseminated to the member companies, by way of Circulars on the entire gamut of areas concerning and of interest to the biscuit industry, such as legislations Acts/Rules etc relating to PFA, Weights & Measures Packaged Commodities Rules a mendments/proposals for changes on such Acts/Rules particularly those adversely affecting manufacturers of Biscuits. With a view to ensure faster and economical transmission of its communications/circulation to members, the FBMI has already initiated email, launching of FBMI's Website (from November 2003) and by publishing of the industry's mouth-piece journal - 'FBMI NEWS' a quarterly, beginning from October-December 2003.

Problems/Grey Areas and Solutions/Amelioration - Interaction/meetings/representations with Governments - both in the States and in the Centre, to highlight and urge/seek solutions and relief in regard to problems faced by members in particular and the industry in general, in regard to various issues i.e. Taxation, Food Laws , finance, infrastructure, industrial relations, environment/pollution and other grey areas viz. wages, electricity tariff, availability and cost escalation on wheat flour, vegetable oil,sugar, fuel, packaging and other raw materials as well as ingredients.

FBMI highlights Biscuit Industry's Viewpoints:
Taxation: Central Exice Duty - Due to concerted efforts by way of regular and continuous interaction with the Union Finance Minister, officials of the Ministry/CBEC as also with political leaders of various parties, seeking support from the Ministry of Food Processing Industries, Govt of India, and through the national apex organizations of industry, the Union Budget 2003-04 reduced the Central Excise Duty on Biscuits, from 16% to 8%, i.e. the rate of Duty prevailing before it was doubled in 1999-2000.


About Us

Established in 1950, from gathering of CEOs of small, medium and large Biscuit manufacturing organizations in the country's capital city, the Federation of Biscuit Manufacturers of India, popularly known as FBMI has come to stay as the premier forum of the organized segment the biscuit industry in India

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